Are you paying too much for workers' compensation?
Is workers' compensation your single largest insurance premium per annum?
The workers' compensation division of APSCo Partner, safescope, led by Mark Farrugia, is offering APSCo Members the opportunity to undergo a free no-obligation health check.
As part of this free health check, Mark and the team at safescope will ascertain the key drivers to your premium and if there is any opportunity to reduce your current premium.
The safescope workers' compensation team have a proven track record when it comes to effectively managing workers' compensation programs to achieve the long term goal of reducing premiums for clients.
In a two-year period, safescope has assisted a client reduce their workers' compensation premium by 37%.
If you would like to take advantage of this free health check, please contact Mark Farrugia
You will be required to identify your company membership upon request.