Published: 15-Aug-24
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Member ALERT || Update on ACT Payroll Tax increase


Good afternoon Jessica ,
Last month, our ACT Members came together to discuss the issue of the sudden introduction of an increase to 2024/25 payroll tax, without any consultation or forewarning from government.
As part of this meeting, we collected feedback to share with the Office of Elizabeth Lee MLA, Member for Kurrajong and Leader of the Opposition in the ACT, and the Canberra Business Chamber.

Industry-wide lobbying efforts recently won a three month rebate on the increase, and while this is some compromise, the increase still presents significant burden (at 9 months) to firms. 
Following further APSCo consultation with Elizabeth Lee's Office, we are pleased to share that the Shadow Cabinet has agreed to extend this rebate to 12 months if elected in October, to enable contractors and ACT businesses who have been captured by this increase some reprieve.
APSCo is encouraged by the support and commitment of Elizabeth Lee and her colleagues on this issue and their intention to continue to drive this issue with government.
APSCo will continue to act on behalf of Members on this issue and keep you updated. 
Thank you
APSCo Australia 


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