What to declare as part of remuneration recording 2024 42696223959
Published: 1-Oct-24
What to declare as part of Remuneration - Recording 2024
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Are you experiencing increases in workers’ compensation premiums, have current claims or issues with your current workers’ compensation premiums?
APSCo invites you to join Mark Farrugia, National Workers’ Compensation Manager at APSCo partner, Safescope, as he shares his insights and knowledge on what to declare as part of Remuneration
With over 32 years’ experience in the industry, there’s no-one better placed to share their knowledge with recruitment and staffing owners and managers.
Mark will cover:
Current Landscape
What is considered Remuneration?
What is the definition of a Deemed Worker?
Are Contractors and Subcontractors required to be declared as Remuneration?
Remuneration Matrix
General Guidelines
The definition of a Contractor and Sub Contractor
We’ll have dedicated time for Q&A, so please bring in your questions for Mark.